All of the past HVIG-sponsored events were made possible by our dedicated fellowship and volunteers. We have made the audio recordings of past events available.
Three speakers discussed how working the program evolved and improved their relationships.
A heartfelt gathering where individuals share transformative moments of insight, growth, and connection.
A journey of self-reflection, growth, and transformation through acceptance and change.
Listen to three OA HOW fellows share their personal stories about how the AA Big Book Promises (page 83-84) have come true during their recovery journeys.
Be encouraged by miracle stories from three OA HOW sponsors with long-term abstinence. Hear how many of their relationships have been repaired as they worked steps 8 and 9 in their recovery journeys.
Speakers shared their experience, strength and hope of recovery from compulsive eating. Whether it's restricting, bingeing, compensating, disordered eating or food addiction, this event focused on OA HOW tools program, 12 steps, 12 traditions and 12 concepts support our daily abstinence and recovery.
Get inspired by three OAHOW sponsors with more than 10 years of abstinence each as they share their experience, strength and hope. You'll hear how they use the tools of program to experience life, challenges and abstinence in all areas of life!
We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
We admitted we were powerless over food -- that our lives had become unmanageable."
We continue to take personal inventory, and when we're are wrong, promptly admit to it.
Excting online workshop that shares experience, strength and hope about OA HOW sponsorship.
This dynamic 3-day event was a resounding success. People from all over the word attended. Thank you to the 50+ volunteers who served together to make it happen.
I loved that it's a short program and that each speaker had limited time. Also the Q&A after was great. Thanks to all the volunteers too!
All speakers had a strong message of depth and weight. It was was such a unique experience to hear from those with long-term abstinence.
I related to the talk about character defects and judging. Was great to hear about what each speaker has learned about life and recovery
I loved the session on OA HOW history; I wish we had a book; the organized email of the times and topics; I loved how it was HOW focused;
Inspiring speakers who model life in recovery; The recovery and breakout rooms, awesome knowledge of AA and OA HOW history; I liked seeing the faces of my fellows who I don't always see at my meeting.
The ease and support of technology was amazing; Hope it's a yearly event; It was very well organized and easy to attend.
All the speakers shared compassionately and made me feel a part of it and that I can do this!
Each speaker shared their stories and they talked about the Big Book during their shares.
Panelists were very well prepared and were consistent with the what they have learned in OA HOW.
I loved the panel and how passionate the speakers were. Good variety of speakers from different backgrounds and diversity.
It was easy to submit questions for the panel and the moderator directed the questions to each person on the panel.
Excellent! The event was very well organized, it was easy to register and I like that my ticket purchase was 100% tax deductible -- or FREE!
This website is supported by your generous donations and dedicated volunteers from within our fellowship. The communications committee is looking for volunteers to help with the website updates, the We Care List, Documents and Folders, the Newsletter and more. It takes over 30 volunteers monthly to serve on the HVIG to make it work. We need help, so please consider volunteering to do service and come join the fun and fellowship.
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