Meetings are gatherings of two or more compulsive eaters who come together to share their experience, strength and hope OA has given them. Meetings are an opportunity for us to identify and confirm our common problem by relating to one another and by sharing the gifts we receive through this program.
Meeting Contact:
Chris D. 504-352-2044
IG Rep #1: OPEN
IG IG Rep #2: OPEN
Link for Zoom Access
Meeting ID: 827 5727 8938
Password: 12345
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,82757278938#,,,,*12345# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,82757278938#,,,,*12345# US (Houston)
Find Your Local Number
GROUP #800184
Robbinsdale: Meeting Contact:
Peg M: 612-280-6119
IG Rep #1: Susan M
IG Rep #2: Jane M
Meeting ID: 814 1405 1557
Password: 055813
Leader's Guide: Tools / Readings / Service
One tap mobile
+13052241968,,81414051557# US
+13092053325,,81414051557# US
GROUP #89258
Meeting Contact:
IG Rep #1:
IG Rep #2:
Technology is always changing. For those meetings that are still using call-in only (and not Zoom), sometimes, the old "free conference call" numbers don't work as well as they used to. Passcodes stop working or it might take trying a few times before you can get access to the meeting. Why? Because phone technology gets updated and the old trunk lines do stop performing. You can also try rebooting your phone. If your meeting is having issues, it may be time to consider getting a new phone number. If so, send us an email with your new meeting info and we'll update the website!
Meetings now have the option (not required) to request to be reimbursed by the HVIG for expenses paid like Sign-Up Genius or Zoom accounts, for example. Simply pay the expense and submit the form below. NOTE: Expenses can only be reimbursed if enough funds are available in our account.
This website is supported by your generous donations and dedicated volunteers from within our fellowship. The communications committee is looking for volunteers to help with the website updates, the We Care List, Documents and Folders, the Newsletter and more. It takes over 30 volunteers monthly to serve on the HVIG to make it work. We need help, so please consider volunteering to do service and come join the fun and fellowship.
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