We're glad you're here! There is a time during each meeting when newcomers are encouraged to let the fellowship know that they are new and potentially looking for a sponsor. There are newcomer greeters at the meetings. If you're ready to find a meeting now, click the link below. A life of sane and happy usefulness is what we are promised as a result of working these steps!
Our newcomer team is here to help! They can show you the website, help you find a meeting, and help you get access to our We Care List. You can send us an email or call Lynne B (906-361-5962) 7am-6pm ET or Katie G (413-237-5758) 5am-3pm ET.
The We Care List is a confidential telephone list of fellow and sponsors who work the two-hour OA HOW program. The We Care List offers members help in making outreach calls, as well as finding an available sponsor. The list is updated monthly.
To place your name on the We Care List and gain access, simply click the link below and fill out the form on the We Care List page.
As per HVIG group conscience from the July 2020 meeting, a column for Best Call Times has been added to the next version of the We Care List. Our goal is to publish a monthly We Care List (see above section to request access) as close to the first of the month as possible. Thank you for helping HVIG voluneers to keep the We Care List current.
Our way of life, based on the 12 steps, has brought us physical, emotional and spiritual healing, which is nothing short of miraculous. What works for us will work for you, too! We willingly give to others what we have so generously been given as a means of remaining abstinent and free from the bondage of food addiction.
Here's a quick quiz that many find helpful in answering the question:
Am I a compulsive eater?
There are no right or wrong answers, but you may find some comfort in knowing that you are not alone!
The road to recovery is just a phone call or a meeting away!
The 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) were first written in 1946 as a means of ensuring effectiveness and permanent unity within the fellowship. The 12 Traditions are to the groups as what the 12 Steps are to the individual. They outline the principles and standards that safeguard our survival and allow the many groups of Overeaters Anonymous to thrive.
This website is supported by your generous donations and dedicated volunteers from within our fellowship. The communications committee is looking for volunteers to help with the website updates, the We Care List, Documents and Folders, the Newsletter and more. It takes over 30 volunteers monthly to serve on the HVIG to make it work. We need help, so please consider volunteering to do service and come join the fun and fellowship.
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