It Works When You Work It.....
Our volunteer newcomer greeters will be happy to give you a call (or email), answer your questions, help you navigate our website, and assist in finding a meeting, sponsor, or information.
H.O.W. stands for Honest, Openminded and Willing. OA HOW is a movement within Overeaters Anonymous (OA) whose basic principle is that abstinence is the only means to freedom from compulsive eating and relief from the the obsessions of food addiction.
Hundreds gathered online to celebate the Two-Hour OA HOW Convention on Jan 28-30, 2022. A special thank you to over 50 volunteers who make the event happen. Session recordings are now available.
grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can and the wisdom
to know the difference.
Thy will, not mine be done.
This website is supported by your generous donations and dedicated volunteers from within our fellowship. The communications committee is looking for volunteers to help with the website updates, the We Care List, Documents and Folders, the Newsletter and more. It takes over 30 volunteers monthly to serve on the HVIG to make it work. We need help, so please consider volunteering to do service and come join the fun and fellowship.
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