To best serve the informational needs of our fellowship, the HVIG (How Virtual InterGroup) meetings monthly. Each meeting can send up to two (2) IG reps to be the voice of their weekly meeting. After the monthly HVIG meeting (second Sunday of each month), a summary of recent developments is prepared and emailed to the IG meeting reps, with the request to please share the HVIG summary during weekly announcements. As an option, we thought it would be helpful to post the monthly summary on the website, so that the most current updates are easily available.
What is the OA HOW Virtual InterGroup (HVIG)? Our common purpose is to carry the message of recovery to those who suffer from compulsive eating. We serve the needs of our two-hour OA HOW fellowship. Through group conscience, we support this website, the We Care List of contacts, OA World Service, and Virtual Region.
Our volunteer teams are busy serving on the HVIG. It's great to be part of our fellowship with people serving together in Unity. Click the button below to see the current list of volunteers and their contact information.
If you have an agenda item you'd like to add to an upcoming HVIG agenda, we want to hear from you. Simply fill in the form below and it will be added to an upcoming agenda. NOTE: You will need to attend the HVIG meeting to present your agenda item!
The monthly HVIG meeting is held on the second Sunday of each month, from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm ET. We strive to have all the committee reports uploaded to the HVIG reports folders about a week before the meeting so IG reps can read them before hand.
Currently, there are 21 weekly meetings. We need your help to keep the website meeting pages current, and our email records up-to-date. When your meetings have changes, simply fill in the form below and we'll make sure that the updates are taken care of.
After each monthly HVIG meeting, an email with a summary of what to report to your meetings will be sent to you via email. It includes a 60 second script and important highlights from the meeting. Please read the script during the weekly announcements.
In getting started, the IG rep job description is great information to have. Keep in mind that job descriptions are a recent addition to the HVIG, and they are being reviewed periodically as our fellowship continues to grow. Click below to access all the HVIG job descriptions, including for the IG rep.
If your meeting doesn't not have at least one of the IG rep positions filled, then we request that the meeting contacts please read the weekly script announcement from the HVIG. Also, please consider holding a business meeting to vote in at least one person to serve as an IG rep at the HIVG.
Volunteers have spent hundreds of hours creating the HVIG for our fellowship. Since the content is always being updated, we encourage you to take some time to visit all the different pages. As the saying goes, "in order for a tool to work, it must be used." And if you have suggestions, let us know!
Since we all need at least three program calls a day, consider reaching out to other meeting contacts and IG reps. In this way, we can share learning, and support each other as we continue to reach out to compulsive eaters who still suffer from this devastating disease.
At the HVIG, we have a wide variety of service projects that we're working, based on the growing needs of our fellowship. Please review the Service Opportunites page periodically so that you're aware of where more volunteers are needed. Thanks for your help!
While certainly not a requirement, we'd like to suggest that you check to make sure you're on the current We Care List and that your information is up-to-date. Also please encourage others at your meetings to to do the same. The WCL is updated and published monthly. Thanks for your help!
We are a group of passionate volunteers committed to making a positive impact in our community. Our mission is to empower individuals and create a better future for generations to come.
We organize community events, fundraisers, and volunteer opportunities that support our mission. Our work focuses on education, health, and environmental sustainability.
Thanks to our dedicated volunteers and supportive community, we have been able to make a significant impact in the lives of many. From planting trees to providing basic necessities to those in need, we are proud of our achievements.
This website is supported by your generous donations and dedicated volunteers from within our fellowship. The communications committee is looking for volunteers to help with the website updates, the We Care List, Documents and Folders, the Newsletter and more. It takes over 30 volunteers monthly to serve on the HVIG to make it work. We need help, so please consider volunteering to do service and come join the fun and fellowship.
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